How can we experience more long-lasting love?

How can we experience more long-lasting love?

How can we experience more long-lasting love?

What qualities do we need to experience long-lasting love?

When I was younger I used to analyze my relationships a lot. Maybe needless to say I didn’t experience them as very loving at that time.

In order for us to experience love, whether we are in a relationship or not, we need to let go of the analyzing. In fact it’s impossible for us to experience love at the same time when we are caught up in this kind of thinking process.


Because our experience of love comes from us letting go of our thinking. Our experience of love comes from us becoming more present.

If we want to experience more love one way to do this is to awaken to recognize more how we are using the gift of thought. How we are using the gift of thought when it comes to our relationships.

Are we staying present in the company of the other person? Or are we over-analyzing things?

In order for us to experience the love we want to let go of the analyzing and make it our priority to be present in the company of the other person.

Another thing that comes to mind is that do we recognize what is the true source of love?

I used to believe that the other person was this source.

If we believe like this when we get more used to the other person, we may often begin to feel like we lose some of the feeling when the time goes by. When this happens if we don’t recognize what is the true source of love we may easily begin to feel like there’s something wrong in the relationship.

Instead of recognizing that the simple reason why we may feel less connected is because in some level we have begin to take the other person for granted.

We have begin to believe that we already know the other person and have stopped listening to them the way we used to listen to them.

If we want to experience long-lasting love it will be helpful for us to recognize how that feeling of love is always created from within. It has nothing to do with the other person.

Recognizing this can allow us to see how there’s nothing wrong in the relationship. And how the reason why we feel like we have lost the feeling is because we have lost some of our ability to be present with the other person.

Being willing to see the other person with fresh eyes again, even when the years go by, will allow us to experience that love that we want to experience when it comes to our relationship.

The last thing that I want to mention in this post how we may experience more long-lasting love is to begin to overlook our insecure thinking.

The more we are able to do this, the easier it’ll be for us to always fall back into that feeling of love.

We all get a little crazy sometimes. We experience our insecure thinking and we may innocently take it too seriously. Which may cause some friction when it comes to our relationships.

The more we are able to recognize this and let go of our insecure thinking, the easier it’ll become for us to get over ourselves so that we can fall back into that feeling of love again.

Get over ourselves, get over our issues, forgive and forget. Move on.

Truly let go.

And when we do this, if we are able to recognize the true source of our experience, we will only ever fall deeper into that feeling of love.

These are just some simple things that we may want to see in a deeper level, so that we can stay in and deepen that feeling of love.

And what they all have in common is that they emphasize the importance of becoming more present when it comes to our relationships.

When we stop analyzing, when we are able to recognize the true source of love and we get over ourselves and let go of our insecure thinking what this will allows us to do is that it will allow us to fall out of our heads.

Fall out of our heads back into the beauty of the present moment.

Back into that place of the present moment that is the only place where we can ever experience love.

With love,

Heidi Paavilainen

Sharing an understanding that allows us to connect more with that deeper part within us, so that we can find our own answers from within, find that greater sense of wellbeing and have relationships that feel good.

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